From brush function...
Experimenting with patterns created by a random pick of pixels, there came a wish for a better looking dot.
A dot which is not only represented by its own pixel, but also by it's surroundings.
This called for a brush function or, technically speaking,
a point spread function.
In the process, different brushes and superposition methods (additive,multiplicative,...) were developed.
Move your mouse over the 'earlier / later' matrix to see some of the results...
... to the idea of Luma ...
At some point, these results began to look "light-gel"-ish (Leo S.).
To implement the algorithm and to allow user interaction, the paint program Luma was developed.
Within Luma, you can chose brush size & color and experiment with the paint functions
draw, anti-draw and pull, where pull has a kind of color-dependent dilating effect.
The images to the right were created with Luma in less than one minute. Click to enlarge.
...and beyond
As a by-product of erroreous float-int conversions, color conversion and more, many interesting bugs
appeared that actually look really nice (Bug or not, it's the result that counts ... ). Some of them look
like modulated height images (see images to the right, click to enlarge).
Plus, if you think about nonlinear super-position functions, there's much more to be explored. I'm
planning on including much more of this stuff in future versions:
Hack, look, rate.